Macaroni & Cheese Gang

Monday, October 23, 2006

Monday, October 16, 2006

Corps Happenings
Yesterday, we started our fall Revival with Major Henry Hunter. Major Hunter was the CO here from 1984-1988. We had a great turn out for our Sunday morning meeting which doubled as Homecoming for the Corps. We had somewhere around 53 in attendance. This was one of (if not) the largest Sunday's since we got here. Now, the numbers aren't as important (nice...but, not as important) as the fact that people who don't normally go to church got a chance to hear the Gospel. Major Hunter (for those who know him) didn't pull any punches. He was indeed to the point and was used by God. Now, we are also having some major struggles with some of our teenagers. We have some who have stopped coming (by definition for all the "drama") some who were just lazy for the second week in a row, and another who has been placed in a special facility for some personal issues. We love these kids dearly and hurt more when these kinds of things happen. We wish we could just take them all and put them in this safe little cacoon for their own protection. But, what would they learn, what would we learn. This way, God is teaching us how to be His servants. We also know, that Satan is not pleased with what is going on with our young people. We know this because he has worked so hard the past year trying to take them away. Please pray for our kids, they need it more than ever. I am looking forward to Christmas starting, this is where I feel I am personally at my best. The DC is coming down in November and will be an exciting time for the Corps. Well, gonna go for now. Planning on going to the GA game Saturday. Maybe the team will come too!!! More on that later. Bye!

Sunday, October 08, 2006

Your Linguistic Profile:
50% General American English
35% Dixie
10% Yankee
0% Midwestern
0% Upper Midwestern
What Kind of American English Do You Speak?

Random Thoughts

Well, I figure I should post so, I don't get called out by other bloggers! This week has been interesting. You never realize how much you value your computer until it crashes. My laptop shot out on me this week and I had to reinstall the operating system and every program I have been using. The good news is, I was able to back-up my files and pretty much have gotten everything back to the way it was before. We have a busy time coming up with the Corps. Next week, we have our fall revival with Major Henry Hunter. Sunday (the first day of Revival) is Homecoming Sunday. This is an exciting time for us and the Corps. Last night, the Dawgs got embarassed about as bad as I have ever seen them get embarassed. Not beaten...EMBARASSED!!! Good thing this only happens every decade or so. Brandon's boo-boo is getting a lot better and the glue is wearing off and of course when it does finally come off, it will probably be interesting! Well, that's all for now. Later!