Macaroni & Cheese Gang

Monday, June 26, 2006

Katie's New Look
We've been asking Katie for a while if she wanted to get her ears pierced and just about everytime she would be pretty defiant. (I think mainly because we were at the mall and she wanted to go to the Arcade with her brother.) But yesterday, we went to the mall and as we walked kind of casually, we said, "Katie, do you want to get your ears pierced?" And without breaking stride, arms swinging, hair bouncing, chewing gum (that's her new thing - like 3 pieces of gum at once in her mouth), she said "Yep..." So, I took Brandon to the Arcade (he beat me in table hockey...) and Jessica took Katie to Claire's. About 10 minutes later they came around the corner and she had the cutest earrings in her ears. Jessica said she sat there and didn't even wimper when they pierced her ears. Now, you know, she's always been our cute little mama but boy now, she's like our little mama supermodel! (Of course all she wants to do is play with them now, so for the trial period we have to watch her close.)

Tuesday, June 20, 2006

Brandon's Doctor Visit
Today, Brandon had to see a pediatric Orthodontist to have some cavities filled. I know, you are saying the same thing I said the first time I heard...'why does he need to have cavities filled if he is going to lose the teeth?' Well, the Dentist said if they aren't fixed and get worse before he loses the tooth, it could damage his permanent teeth...Anyway we went today to have one of two teeth taken care of. While the waiting room, Brandon was very patient, he played with some toys (he was starving because he wasn't allowed to have anything to eat or drink all day). When they called him back he said very patiently looking at books. The nurse brought him some vitamin to drink (which was very chalking looking) to help sedate him and he drank it like a big boy. We went into the other room to wait and when it was time to go, (we couldn't go back with him) he got right up and went straight back. While we were waiting the nurse came to tell us the cavity had gotten a little worse and they had put a stainless steel cap on instead of filling it. Jessica said well at least it's porcelin and I said nope, silver... Once he was finished and we could leave, he was a little dazed but knew everything. We were going out to the car and as I opened the door, Brandon said "no wait" and made me shut the door so he could try to look at his tooth in the window reflection:) We got in the car and gave him a mirror and he said he was going to tell his sister he had a gold tooth! I'm proud of my Bugger! Later...

Friday, June 16, 2006

You Are Cyclops

Dedicated and responsible, you will always remain loyal to your cause.
You are a commanding leader - after all, you can kill someone just by looking at them.

Power: force beams from your eyes

Wednesday, June 14, 2006

Brandon & Katie

I figured since I talk about them in the profile, I should introduce you to them...Brandon & Katie! The world's best looking kids (biased...)!

Tuesday, June 13, 2006


Good Flick! (Especially Tow Mater!)

My Sister's Big Week!
Well, it has been week since my sister got married but, what a big week for her. It began on the Thursday before with her Commissioning Weekend festivities. Her graduation from the Evangeline Booth College on Saturday and her Commissioning as a Salvation Army Officer on Sunday. Following this, she prepared for her wedding on Tuesday. Boy, she and my brother-in-law, Joe, picked a time for some many major changes in their lives. Becoming a Salvation Army Officer is a life changing event, but those who are married will know that getting married trumps everything. They will spend their first four weeks on their honeymoon and then report to Camp Walter Johnson for their first summer as Salvation Army Officers'. I am glad their first appointment is at camp pro-tem, it gives them plenty of time to overcome those first weeks and months jitters of being married. I am nervous for my sister but also very proud and confident in her ability to do what God has called her to.
The weekend festivities were beautiful and it is nice to have a relative now in the ranks of Officership. The weekend was beautifully done as well. Candace and Joe did have the best looking ring-bearer and flower-girl in the history of weddings (Brandon & Katie)! Pictures will follow sometime in the future. For now...Go Dawgs (in the NCAA College World Series)!

Friday, June 09, 2006

Go Dawgs!

For those who might not be as up to date on the happenings of the number 1 university system in America...let me bring you up to speed. The Lady Gymdogs won the 2006 National Championship. The Georgia Men's Golf and Tennis teams will be at the top in their respective seasons. The Diamond Dawgs play south carolina this weekend in Athens for a chance to go to the College World Series in Omaha, NE. Of course as always with the University of Georgia, football season is just around the corner and the Dawgs will be defending their SEC Championship of their beat-down of the lsu tigers ( respect). But hey, that's the life of being any opponent of the UGA. Go DAWGS!

Thursday, June 01, 2006

Testing 1...2...3...
Testing, testing, testing...Does this look stupid? feels far. But, hey, I am getting better at this!

Okay, this is my first try at this and being a person who considers themself somewhat computer saavy...I am frustrated. I want there to be a button or a fairly easy access to adding items to my blog, changing the color, or whatever. But, I regress...