Macaroni & Cheese Gang

Sunday, October 08, 2006

Random Thoughts

Well, I figure I should post so, I don't get called out by other bloggers! This week has been interesting. You never realize how much you value your computer until it crashes. My laptop shot out on me this week and I had to reinstall the operating system and every program I have been using. The good news is, I was able to back-up my files and pretty much have gotten everything back to the way it was before. We have a busy time coming up with the Corps. Next week, we have our fall revival with Major Henry Hunter. Sunday (the first day of Revival) is Homecoming Sunday. This is an exciting time for us and the Corps. Last night, the Dawgs got embarassed about as bad as I have ever seen them get embarassed. Not beaten...EMBARASSED!!! Good thing this only happens every decade or so. Brandon's boo-boo is getting a lot better and the glue is wearing off and of course when it does finally come off, it will probably be interesting! Well, that's all for now. Later!


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