Macaroni & Cheese Gang

Thursday, August 17, 2006

'Cause He Had a Bad Day
This time it fits, it works. Yesterday, Brandon had a bad day. It started that he had to go back to the Pediatric Orthopedict for some cavity work on his teeth. I keep asking myself why they do that to teeth that are going to fall out anyway but they say, it is so it won't damage the root or the permanent tooth. Anyway, B couldn't have anything to eat or drink after midnight last night which meant we had to keep an eye on him getting up and drinking water in the middle of the night which he likes to do often. Well, he did get up and got some water but we don't know how much. The entire trip to Valdosta he kept saying he was hungry and thirsty which made us feel terrible. Once we got there, his mind got off of food and drink while reading books and stuff. They gave him the medicine first to make him disoriented and out of it for the shots and stuff they give him to numb his mouth. Well, he asked for strawberry this time instead of grape and didn't like it at all. He started complaining that his tummy was bothering him and when we finally convinced him to take the medicine we thought he was going to chuck it back up. While they do the procedure, we have to wait in the lobby. When they called us back in, he was asleep but they said he did get sick and chucked. We and the Dr.'s thought that would be the end of it and stopped to get him something to eat and drink but he only wanted water and nothing else. He was very groggy and slept a lot. As we were about 1 mile from our house, he started chucking again. For much of the rest of the afternoon, he chucked until his last time about 5:00pm. It was so bad, his friends came over and he wouldn't even get off the couch. After the last time he chucked, Jessica took him to convenient care and pretty much by then, he was okay. It is a terrible feeling to stand there and watch your child chucking and just trying to comfort them and wish for anything in the world you could trade places with them. But, he is a trooper and was fine last night. He got up this morning and went to school no questions or fuss about it. I'm proud of my Bug!


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