Macaroni & Cheese Gang

Tuesday, July 11, 2006

The Chronicles of Mr. Mom - Day 1
As I watched Jessica drive off to camp, I couldn't help but think of the Armaggedon which would soon take place in my home over the next few days. I would stand on one hill and Brandon and Katie would stand on the other (and at other times, B & K would stand on opposite hills). So, I quickly had to figure out my battle plan. What could I do to prevent this impending encounter. I picked B & K up in the afternoon and took them home. Right away their friends came over and I knew then, it was on! The house was attacked and looked an explosion had taken place in K's bedroom. Eventually B took off down the road with his friends without permission which meant he was sent to his barracks and his allies sent packing. K kept reminding me how good she was being... After this, we had dinner and played t-ball in the front yard for a little while and went for a walk. I realized we didn't have any milk so I called a Soldier at the Corps and asked her if I could bring B & K over while I went to the store (it would be a lot faster that way). S0, she took them to a little park not far from our house and to DQ for ice cream. We all got home, they got baths really good, brushed their teeth, and laid down in their beds very good. They both were asleep by 9:30. So the battle still looms... All kidding aside, B & K were great last night and I hope having church tonight will help prevent any lines being drawn in the sand! But to borrow a tag line from a good friend of mine...I!


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