Macaroni & Cheese Gang

Wednesday, July 12, 2006

The Chronicles of Mr. Mom - Day 2
You know how you've heard the phrase the quiet before the storm? Well, it seems we are there. Day 2 began with Brandon & Katie being quite cooperative in getting up, getting dressed, making their beds, brushing their teeth and hair. I got them off to school and in to the office at a reasonable time and thought this was a good start. One of the sanities I have this week is daycare. Being able to have those hours in the day for them to play and me to stay sane. So, I picked them up in the afternoon and it seemed like the war would soon be started. B immediately got mad at me and pitched a fit because he wanted to wear his costume but I said no because we were going to church shortly. He calmed down and we went to dinner which was quite civil. At church they had a little trouble with hitting each other and picking at each other during Bible Study. During Men's Club B went with me and K went back with the ladies to play Bingo. She came running out later to tell me she had won a game! B wanted so desperately to help the men clean some things up. Instead he and eventually K played in the front with a giant inflatable bowling ball. After the men finished our project, I played with them for a while and we had a great time. We went home and in the back of my mind, I still was apprehensive about the peace...We got home and went straight to bath time. Now K had cut her foot at church and was miserable. Once she got in the bathtum and the water hit it, she was off to the races crying. I put Peroxide on the cut and kept washing it but she kept crying. Finally I got her out, got her dressed, doctored her wound and settled her down to watch cartoons. B finished his bath got dressed and teeth brushed. I gave them both applesauce for snack and right after that, they were ready for bed. So, the inevidable is still there. Where do I turn, what do I do?! It was a good day. They both are excited for Day 3 I'm gonna take them swimming!


  • Sound like you have things pretty much under control.....for now. Hang in there it is almost over. Take care and give them my love.


    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 10:32 AM  

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