Macaroni & Cheese Gang

Tuesday, September 12, 2006

Thoughts on 9/11
The other day, my dad asked me if I remember what I was doing on 9/11/01. I have always heard stories of how people can recall where they were at, what they were doing in 1941 when Pearl Harbor was attacked. I now know the feeling. I remember as if it were yesterday! I think I still feel the same today as I did that day. Anger, fear, horror, sorrow, confusion, etc. How are we supposed to feel when we see something happening which is obviously an act of evil, innocent people are dying, and we can't do anything about it? Now I do understand, all of the people who died weren't perfect people. Probably some were bad people according to society's standards but, they didn't deserve to have their lives taken that way. I watched on Sunday and Monday night the ABC special "The Path to 9/11." I was facinated as I watched that this was real. It almost seemed like it was your typical movie but I kept having to remind myself, this really happened! As I watched the President speak last night I couldn't help but think, if there is anyone who doesn't want to get those responsible for these acts, if there is anyone who opposes what our troops are doing, how can you call it anything other than disrespecting those who died. I don't want this to be mistaken for a political statement. I don't care who our President is, if we cannot support what he feels is the path to get those responsible for these actions, we are standing over the graves of those who died and ignoring their sacrifice. In the days after 9/11 many Christians leaders were asked on national television, how could God let this happen? I kept thinking had I been asked this question, I would have asked, how does God let you go and drink during happy hour? How does God let you curse His name? How does God let sleep in on Sunday mornings? God didn't "let" this happen by those means. This event has been thousands of years in the making. The moment Adam and Eve chose to disobey God, we were doomed for these types of actions. The only hope we have is not some military action, but personal action. We must be a people who set out to change peoples' lives. To show them who God is and how He wants us to live. This will go along way in helping to prevent these types of actions. Imagine if someone else had gotten to the terrorists before their 'leader' did! What the world might look like to today. Random thoughts...Blessings!


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