Macaroni & Cheese Gang

Friday, April 06, 2007

God is Funny

You know, God is funny about putting us in situations which will challenge us and tempt us. I told you I would tell you about the Lord teaching me and testing me. Well, here it is. I am coaching B's T-ball team this year. It's kind of tough because we have 12 players and they can only play the infield because no one can hit it into the outfield. But, in the winter, B played basketball with the Upward Basketball league and I helped coach. On his team was a kid (ironically enough the grandson of some former Corps members) who was...challenging to say the least. He would disappear during practices, run off to the vending area, want to get into fights with the other players, tempt the coaches with backtalk, etc. In fact, the last game of the season, he showed up for the game before it started. When the game finally started, he was no where to be found. Didn't show up the entire game. Very challenging kid and sometimes difficult. Well, much to my dismay, when I picked up my T-ball roster, guess who's name was the first one on the list...You guessed it, the challenging one. So far, it's going well, but definately still challenging. So, there's my story...and yeah, I'm stickin' to it. Later!


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